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Meeting Minutes

June 15, 2006


Meeting called to order by President Joe Loucka.  Financial report given by Treasurer Barry Smith.  President suggested we critique the just-past Hamfest on some issues.  Need to get the word out better, possibly on Community Calendar of Channel 7 WBBJ-TV, Jackson, someone to attend area local ham clubs with flyers a few months before the event date, and maybe on the Weather Channel.  Tables did not go well, not many were taken.  Concessions went fairly well.  Suggestions to better man the club member’s table.  Maybe add a Power Point presentation, have club membership forms there on the club table.  Everyone acknowledges the hard work and effort that Ron, W5DAT, put into the Hamfest.  Discussion of entry into F-HU Amateur Radio Station on campus.  John, K4QQ, Vice President, needs access to the station.  Kevin, KU4RT advised that F-HU Security could allow entrance upon presentation of club badge, I.D., etc. 

Beam antenna given by John, KJ4CA, to the club needs to be fixed, or give antenna and the $500 in money back to him.  Possibly have work day to work on it.  Possibly contact John, and see what he would recommend.  President Loucka suggested we offer to give antenna and money back to Mr. John.  Situation needs to be resolved.  Decided to let Mr. John tell us what he wants to do about it. Mr. Richard England, W4KRU agreed to contact Mr. John.

Discussed some possible presentations for future club meetings…inductors, APRS, antenna arrays, etc., and probably use some outside talent for some presentations. 

FEMA home study course IS-700 should be taken by ARES operators.  Needs to be finished before September 30, 2006. 

Barry to check on Post Office Box at F-HU.  Believe the club already has one there, and he will find out if so.  Possibly would be better to have a PO Box at regular Post Office and he will check on the price and availability of this. 

One battery has a dead cell at the repeater site.  Have two six-volt batteries in series for emergency repeater power.  Motion by Kevin, KU4RT, seconded by Mike, K4TC, to purchase battery and plastic battery box.  Vote carried.   

Field Day---Louise suggested to be at Chickasaw at 0600, with breakfast at 0800.  Intend to have the County’s Mobile Command Post there.  Biscuits, country ham, sausage, eggs, and coffee is the breakfast menu, tentatively.  Hamfest leftover hot dogs will be available for those who wants dinner  and throw ‘em on the grill for themselves.  Beans, BBQ tenderloin, and bread for supper.  Supper between 1700 and 1800.  Some of the newer ham members did not know about Field Day and that was explained.

Need to get the F-HU Amateur Radio Club signs and banner for Field Day. John K4QQ agreed to take care of this. 

Suggested that everyone who has the yellow tee shirts from the Hamfest to wear them at Field Day.  Would give the Club more publicity! 

Ham exams to be given at City Hall on Saturday, June 17, at 0900. 

Meeting adjourned.

Mike Burkhead
Secretary to notify the Chester County Independent, and put a couple of lines in the “What’s Happening” page.  Maybe have fellow Club member James Webb (newspaper person, KC4UFZ) to write up article about Field Day.

Members in attendance:  Joe and Sue Loucka, John Adams, Mickey Burkhead, Mike and Louise Burkhead, Loran Newton, Joe Newton, Kevin Roeder, Mark Woods, Thad Williams, Danny Farrell, Richard England, and Barry Smith.  I hope I did not miss anyone.