Chester County Amateur
Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2013
The meeting was called to
order at 7:03 by President Dick Heismann.
The minutes of the
September meeting and the Treasurer Report were read
and approved.
The Facebook page is up and
running but we need a banner picture. Dick passed
out paper so everyone could sketch their ideas. We
talked a little bit about the possibility of
changing the domain name for the website but decided
to keep the domain.
Dick said that he would
talk to Kevin Roeder in order to decide on a start
date for the Technician Class in January.
Our next meeting will be on
November 18th. Joe Loucka will do a
presentation on digital modes.
It was decided that we will
have a potluck for our December 16th
Christmas meeting. The club will buy the meat and
everyone is asked to bring a dish to share.
The meeting was adjourned
at 7:48 pm.
Sue Loucka