Meeting called to order by Club President Dick
Heismann, AJ4VZ, at 7:00 PM, in the Activities
Building of the Henderson Church of Christ.
In attendance: Joe and Sue Loucka, Dick
Heismann, Richard and Martha England, Mike and
Louise Burkhead, Joe Newton, Tim Clark, Jimmy
Helvering, Thad Williams, James Webb, Barry
Smith, and Dexel Burns.
An Advanced Weather Spotter's Class is scheduled
for October 28 at 6:00 PM, at the City of
Henderson Fire Station #1, located at 505
Sanford St., Henderson, TN. The Club will
furnish refreshments. Joe and Sue will
take care of this activity. The public is
invited to the class.
Treasurer Barry Smith, K4DJX, gave the
Treasurer's Report. Club dues are now due
and payable.
Huntsville (Alabama) Hamfest is this weekend
(08-21-2010). President Heismann plans to
Joe, AG4QC, just recently modified the new
147.105 repeater. His modification really
helped reduce the noise-induced "kerchunking"
that was occurring with the repeater.
Thanks, Joe!
Richard, W4KRU, presented the program for the
night, on several types of amateur radio
antennas, and on construction techniques for
these antennas. He displayed a J-Pole
antenna that is easily constructed from 300 ohm
twin-lead television feedline, for different
bands above 50 Mhz. He covered the dipole
antenna in it's various configurations, and the
materials necessary to home-build them.
Dipoles can be built for any amateur radio band.
Richard showed a simple hand-wound coil to be
used between the feed point of mobile HF
antennas and ground, to bring the impedance up
closer to 50 ohms. This simple
modification to your mobile HF antenna really
works. He also brought a home-built
vertical antenna, constructed from parts
available at ordinary hardware stores, along
with base matching coil that he had hand-wound.
Richard told us that his favorite antenna was a
co-axial antenna, constructed entirely of
coaxial cable feedline. These are
single-band antennas, that exhibit very low
reflected power (SWR) overe the entire band for
which it is constructed. Thanks for the
very interesting and informative program,
Richard! We all enjoyed it.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Mike Burkhead, Secretary