Chester County Amateur Radio Club
Chester Co. Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2010
The club meeting commenced at 6:00 PM, with a barbecue
and pot luck dinner. Plenty of great food, and everyone
was well fed!
President Joe Loucka called the meeting to order at 7:00
PM. He reminded everyone that Club membership dues come
payable in June. The dues are $20.00 (twenty dollars)
per member, and if another ham member of the household
joins, that membership is $10.00 (ten dollars) for each
additional member.
May is the month for the election of new Club officers.
The offices are President, Vice President, Treasurer,
and Secretary. Nominations, seconds, and unanimous
votes for offices were: Richard Heisman, President;
Joe Loucka, Vice President; Barry Smith, Treasurer; Mike
Burkhead, Secretary. These newly-elected persons will
take office in June.
We want to recognize Joe, AG4QC (the current Club
President) for his considerable work on the 147.105
(W4FHU) repeater. A lots of knowledge and experience go
into effectively maintaining a repeater. Not to mention
the considerable time and labor involved. A big "thank
you", Joe!
Field Day 2010 is coming up June 26 and 27. The Club
has already reserved (rented) a pavilion at Chickasaw
State Park for the event. It is the big pavilion at
water's edge, below the Chickasaw Restaurant. The June
meeting will be a few days before Field Day, and the
details of equipment, food, etc., will be discussed
Joe, AG4QC, stated that he would do a program on
repeaters at the June meeting. His considerable
knowledge of the topic will enlighten us, and we look
forward to the program.
Meeting adjourned,
President Joe Loucka, AG4QC
Secretary Mike Burkhead, K4TC |