Chester County Amateur
Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2012
The meeting was called to
order at 7:00 P.M. by President Richard (Dick)
Heismann. In attendance were Sandy Heismann, Bobby
Rein, Karen, Scott, Alyssa and Cassie Edwards,
Richard and Martha England, Ron and Beverly Means,
Tom Childers, Mike Hurst, James Mooney, Loran
Newton, Don Taylor, Ray and Shirley Eaton, Joe
Newton, Jim and Carolyn Helvering, James Webb and
Sue and Joe Loucka.
We decided to continue our
quarterly meetings. The next meeting will be held on
July 16 and will also be a potluck at the Pinson
Church of Christ at 6:00 p.m. The club will purchase
the meat and asks that everyone bring a dish to
Joe let us know that the
upgraded interface has been installed in the
repeater which leaves us with the prototype to use
as a spare. We are waiting for Fed Ex so that we can
change out the batteries.
Field Day is June 23 and
24. Several people expressed interest in
participating. Ron said that he would have the ARES
bus ready and will post more specific information as
it becomes available.
Election of officers will
take place at the July meeting. Annual membership
dues will be also be due at the July meeting. It was
discussed and decided that Richard Heisman should be
added to the club checking account so that someone
other than Sue can sign checks if she is not
Suggestions for future
programs included an EME presentation/demo and a
surface-mount demo.
Work on the upgrading of
the club By-laws was discussed.
Ron moved to adjourn the
meeting and was seconded by Joe.
Sue Loucka