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Chester County Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes March 17, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by President Richard Heismann.

The minutes were read and a Treasurer’s Report was given.

It was decided that we would hold a license testing session on Monday, March 28th at the Fire Station.

Joe Loucka also talked about the direction he would like the club to take as far as programs and demos he would like to present.

Dick Heismann began the evening’s program by describing the chirp program for programming our radios. We went through the menu options for the radios, reset our radios to the factory defaults and then he led us through the steps to set the radios up to be able to use the repeater. It was an interesting and informative experience in getting familiar with our radios.

Our next meeting on Thursday, April 21st will be on matching an antenna to a radio.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Sue Loucka